Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Mirror

Look in the mirror and see your soul.
See how your heart blooms
with a thousand flowers.
Kiss the cheeks of a friend.
In his face is nurtured the petals of a rose.
The garden blooms long past spring and summer,
hummingbirds yet hover by their magic,
butterflies still float on the breeze-
why not drink of yourself, eternal sweetness,
so that winter not be so cold.
Life is a game to play as our own
and there resides the Truth
which sweeps away the lie:
fluid as a sailing ship,
free as an ocean gull,
even as the ebb and flow of tide.
Look in the mirror-
the glass cannot hide
that I am your reflection
as you are surely mine.

Imagine us kissing rose petals.

Copyright 2008 Francis Don Daniels

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