"Franciacorta- Lago d'Iseo" Pier Paderni
(Author's Note: Monteisola, a magical island on Lago d'Iseo, Lombardia, Northern Italy, where according to legend of the Theta Universe*, possesses magic powers of enlightenment, creative thought and imagination. It is thought to be a rejuvenating source of artistic abilities, especially abilities that have been lost through successive lifetimes with their attendant catastrophes, vicissitudes and travails.
Moreover, as legend relates, Monteisola is known as a spiritual concourse for displaced ancient peoples of past or lost civilizations, such as Celts, Gaels, Peoples of Danll also known as the Tuatha Da Danann, Etruscans, Minoans, Phoenicians, Norsemen, Sumerians, Egyptians, Persians, Afghans, tribes of the ancient India sub-continent as well as gnostic sects of various civilizations through the ages. It is said to be protected by a mystical race of artists called Orizzonti Aperti, or Open Horizons. Present day Italians on Lago d'Iseo refer to them as Kings of Fantasy. Their purpose is to safeguard and carry forward the ancient magical path or way which is the light and inspiration of all artists.
*Theta Universe refers to the spiritual universe of thought and spiritual beings.)
Return to us beauty again.
With your love again
show us how to love.
Steer us to our creations
which is our light
to lift us from darkness
and dream again.
Guide us to truth,
the gift of endowment
from our Creator,
that in such a knowing
again we shall be free.
Teach us the world of illusion,
the actual from pretended,
the spiritual from material,
the immortality of our souls.
imbued in the Arts
and swept across the lands,
freedom shall reign again
and spiritualness be
our splendor.
there is clear life
brimming with wonder,
and thus created
again and again
as much again
will be forever
a world without end.
Copyright 2010 Francis Don Daniels.
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